Thursday, January 11, 2007

photos: Giant's Causeway and L/Derry mayor

Photos of the Giant's Causeway and of us with the L/Derry Mayor, as promised.

ETA: Some of them are cutting off on the righthand side for some odd reason (at least on the actual page), so right click->view image if you want to see the full shots.

This first one was taken up on the cliff above the causeway. The causeway itself is down and to the left, but I thought the cliffs were pretty, so I snapped a photo.

This one was taken from the ground below the cliff, sort of below the one above. I liked the sunlight behind the cliff.

Anthony and Greg, two of my groupmates, standing on the causeway propper. You can see the way that the vulcanic rock formed into hexagons that look almost man-made.

group shot of all of us near the Giant's chair:

me, looking all touristy on the Giant's boot. Not a very flattering shot, but meh:

And last but not least, the group with the mayor of L/Derry. I'm the fourth from the left, but I'm kinda tucked in behind Lauren where I'm hard to see. You can see my massive Doctor Who scarf, though :).

I actually took a bunch more pictures than that, but I don't want to post them all here. I might make a flickr account or something later and start collecting them all there (eljay's ohoto album feature isn't exactly the best ever for this sort of thing).


Annalee said...

the images are all cut off on the right side for some reason if you're looking at them here. Right click->view image to see the whole picture.

Natalie said...

Hey Beautiful
It is soo good to here from you and that you got to Ireland in one wonderful piece. the pics are great. Love you

Unknown said...

Looks amazing out there! *sighs* When we went to go see the Causeway, I was fasting and feeling ill, so I stayed on the bus and missed it. ;_; Love you!